The Low/Medium/High strategy is a betting system used by many roulette players, although it is not one that we would exactly call original. This is because, in short, Roulette’s Low/Medium/High Betting System is exactly the same as the Martingale system, only camouflaged a bit. Don’t worry — it will also lose your money just like the Martingale!
First of all, let’s explain exactly how the Low/Medium/High Betting System works. In roulette, you can bet on the columns of low, medium, or high numbers. You will get a return of 2 to 1 for each winning bet, and it has somewhat worse odds than 3 to 1 per winning bet.
These columns are also known as 1st 12, 2nd 12, and 3rd 12, so you may also know this betting system as “Roulette 12s Betting System”.
The first column you can bet on has the numbers 1-12. The second offers 13-24, and the last column allows you to bet 25-36.
This Roulette Betting System “works” in a very simple way — you separate each number into blocks of five. For example, in the last five spins the wheel has not landed on the 1st 12. Well, it is time to start betting because “the odds are” that it will land on the 1st 12, due to the laws of probability, right? ?
Unfortunately, this is not the case. Each spin is independent of the other. You can spin the wheel 300 times and the ball “doesn’t have to” land in the first 12. It’s the gambler’s fallacy that people just can’t get away from. If you toss a coin 10 times, and every time it lands heads, does this mean that toss 11 will land tails? Of course not. That’s not how tossing a coin works and that’s not how roulette works either.
The Martingale aspect of this roulette betting system comes in the size of the bets. If after 5 spins no low number has landed, you bet $1. If it still doesn’t land, you bet $2. Then $3. Then $4. Then it starts jumping to $6, $13, and $3, and $67, and so on, so your losses start to grow, risking hundreds of dollars to make a profit of just $2.
Now — this is not to say that this betting system can’t be fun — In fact — betting systems CAN be fun and can bring excitement to the game. However, you should only use these types of betting systems for fun, and never bet more than you can afford. Better than a progressive bet, keep a flat bet as you will lose less money and still have a lot of fun.…